Thursday, February 11, 2010

what is CSS?

What is CSS? What can it do?

CSS, short for Cascading Style Sheets, is used in presentations to markup the content. It is used to change colour, layout , background, etc. CSS specifies a priority scheme to determine which style rules apply if more than one rule matches against a particular element. CSS information can be provided by various sources. CSS style information can be either attached as a separate document or embedded in the HTML document.

CSS saves us a lot of time if we need to change many pages at once. This gives priority to the rule and all pages will be changed instantly instead of manually chang 1 page at a time. Like a Html, CSS also uses computer language such as the colours which you want to choose must be in code. CSS is not widely known but it can actually be a great help.


To try out how to use a CSS, try the following link:
To find out the colour codes, try the following link:

How to write a Html

Having trouble with writing a html? Here are some tips.

To write a html, we have to understand computer language. Computer language is a command that a computer can understand. (e.g.  did you notic that some websites end with (.com), some (.gov), others (.org)?) This is some commands that help the computer to differentiate between the websites. similarly, a html uses computer language. The skeleton of the html is as follows:
Get started!

First, you find notepad.
Next, follow the format as shown above and type in what ever you want in the relevant places. Say you want to write the title of your work. You have to type it inside the heading or else you will have trouble with finding information. (e.g <head> maplestory </head> and the head will become maplestory)
Once you are done, save your work.
Next, go to my computer and right click on where you saved the file.
Then, click on view as html.
There, all done!
Having trouble? Find out more on:


Watch theese videos and find out more: (Avoiding Copyright Infringement) (how do you protect your idea?) (Blog or Website? Which is Best?) (How-To Create a Website for Free )

What is copyright?

Who gets copyright? What happens if other people do not follow the copyright given to him?

Copyright is a right given to the original author of a book, movie,etc. He has the right to distribute and adapt the work. Ever heard of people breaking copyright laws? Copyright is a very sensitive issue and the person who  breaks the law can be sent to jail!

Why is copyright important?

People might think that the autor is unresonable to keep the information all by himself, but we must also understand how they will feel like if we just copy their information as if it were ours when it was they who actually spent all the time and effort in doing the work. We must also ask ourselves: Would you like it if someone copys your work?If your answer is no, then we must also respect other people's work and get permission from the author to use his work.

Ways to prevent breaking the copyright law:

- Do no copy more then 10% or more than 1 chapter of a book.
- Give credit to the person.(e.g if you took a video from somwhere, you must write which website you took it from.)
- Try to use your own words to paraphrase a certain idea that you took from the internet.

With this three easy steps, you will never be arrested for copyright issue. Remember them well!

Blog or Website?

What is the diferrence between a blog and a website? Both have its own pros and cons. Lets take a look at some of them.

Pros of a blog:

-Easy to create. (can be up in less than 5 minutes!)

Cons of a blog:

- Has to be updated regularly as your viewers expect something new. (can be up to everyday)
- Hard to make major changes. (e.g. changing templates, background colour, etc.)

Pros of a webpage:

-Easier to make major changes.
-Does not need to be updated to regularly. (as and when you feel like doing so.)

Cons of a webpage

-Hard to create if you are a newbie.

To me, i prefer a blog. I don't really mind having less readers, and I dont really make major changes. But this is only my opinion, you can choose your own!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How technology has changed...

(1st supercomputer)
(fastest supercomputer)

(The 1st supercomputer is only as fast as an ordinary computer today!)

web 1.0 versus web 2.0

What is the difference between web 1.0 and web 2.0?

The main difference is that web 1.0 is a platform where only the publisher can change the information. The readers can look at the products and information that the publisher has put up, however, they cannot change the information. Think of web 1.0 as a noticeboard, where only one person can change information posted on it.Web 2.0, however, can be changed and editted by anyone. It is no longer a 1 person sort of thing. Instead of the website being "published" by someone, the people using the site "publish" the content. They also market it and edit it. Many people have already been using web 2.0 applications. Examples can be like Facebook, Twitter etc.

The internet

Today was the first lesson that we had. I understand that www stands for the world wide web.We went through a video about the history of the internet. We were shown a video about when the internet was first created and how it expanded. The internet was meant as a defence system earlier on, mainly used for communication between people from far distances. The internet grew as more and more people started using the internet. The internet, which started out with only 4 people, has more than 1,000,000,000 people using it today. The internet is prefered by everyone as it has many uses, and it is able to search information from all parts of the world in a few seconds. (history of internet) (video shown in class)